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WoW: SL Gold (EU)

From: 0,00

Out of stock

Quick info


Our team of gold sellers will supply you with the desired amount of Gold


The selected amount of gold will be transferred to your character with the chosen Trade Option


  • The character must be in the EU region
  • Active WoW subscription
  • Follow the instructions of Seller


Choose the Delivery Method which suits you:

  • Face-to-face – you meet with the seller’s character and he trades you gold via the in-game Trade option
  • Auction House – you put the item on sale in the auction, then our seller buys it
  • Mail – our seller sends the gold to the mailbox on the specific character
  • Guild Bank – our seller invites you to his guild and gives access to his bank or you invite our seller to the guild and he supplies your guild bank


  • You can only buy a limited amount of gold from 100k to 1000k
  • Avoid in-game chat with the seller, try using Live Chat or Discord
  • Beware of scammers, ignore trade requests from characters with the similar names


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